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Fife Council - CLD Dunfermline
- VO99677
Baldridgeburn Garden are looking for volunteers to support and develop their community garden. There are a range of volunteering activities to get involved in, including:
-Meeting regularly to think about the future of the group, meeting activities would include: taking notes, planning the garden, contributing to funding applications, liaising with the Community Worker to purchase garden equipment using the garden budget
-Inviting and welcoming people to visit/join the garden group
-Representing the garden group at events and/or meetings where relevant
-Organising and leading garden open days, including promotion, attendance at and delivering activities on the day
-All season’s gardening activities.
Volunteers are supported in the role, offered the necessary training and given lots of other opportunities should you wish. Everyone is welcome and those that attend, volunteer and work there enjoy the relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Experience required
Baldridgeburn garden is a project made up of local people and volunteers working together to grow plants and vegetables which can be used in the community, they are looking for volunteers with an interest in gardening and a can-do attitude.
Travel details
Baldridgeburn Community Centre, Baldridgeburn, Dunfermline, KY12 9EH
Travel expenses
Expenses will be reimbursed at public transport rates and 45p per mile.
Training details
Once in post, volunteers will be given induction training, supported into the role and offered training and opportunities when needed or as they arise. Volunteers will be supported by staff and volunteers throughout their role with annual one to one support and supervision annually or as requested.
Minimum age: 16
Volunteers (aged 16-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
Find out more
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