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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Alzheimer's Research UK at Edinburgh Marathon Festival | Sun 26 May 2024

About this event

Are you looking for a new volunteering opportunity? Volunteering with Alzheimer’s Research UK is a great way to enhance your CV, meet new people and gain a new experience whilst supporting our mission to find a cure for dementia.

Volunteering details

Join us at the Edinburgh Marathon festival by signing up to our Cheer Squad near Musselburgh beach.

65 incredible supporters are taking part in the Edinburgh Marathon Festival this year. Runners will tackle either a half or full marathon through this iconic city raising vital funds for dementia research. They need your support and encouragement to get them across the finish line. We will see all the runners at mile 8!

What: Cheering, clapping, photography, and enthusiasm!
Where: Musselburgh Beach, Musselburgh, Edinburgh
When: Sunday 26th May 2024, 08:30-13:00 (or however much time you can spare!)

Alzheimer's Research UK will reimburse reasonable out of pocket expenses such as travel, within agreed guidelines.

To find out more about the role, please read the Role Description:

To register to volunteer, please visit: and select ‘SUN 26 MAY - Edinburgh Marathon, Edinburgh’ from the list when prompted.


26 May 2024


Hannah Volunteering Team

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Any contribution big or small can make a huge difference. There are many benefits to yourself and others when you volunteer!

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