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Volunteering opportunities in edinburgh
Join us as a volunteer at Walk the Loch 2025 at Loch Leven's Larder, Channel Farm, Kinross, KY13 9HD on Sunday 11th May 2025 and help people across Scotland live life to the full. We have a variety...
Unfortunately you can't volunteer for this opportunity using this site, you should apply using this link.
Thank you for registering your interest in Events Volunteer (Walk the Loch 2025) with Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland.
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland has been sent your details and message, they will respond to you at the email address you provided.
Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO96729.
A fantastically rewarding opportunity allowing the mentor to make a positive difference for a young adult, while also growing their own experience and enhancing their life skills. Our mentors offer...
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Mentor for young adult with Cystic Fibrosis with Butterfly Trust (The)
Your message will be sent to the organisation that supports volunteering in North Lanarkshire:
Thank you for registering your interest in Mentor for young adult with Cystic Fibrosis with Butterfly Trust (The).
Butterfly Trust (The) has been sent your details and message, they will respond to you at the email address you provided.
Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO90093.
Everyone has the right to live life to the full. After a diagnosis of a chest or heart condition, stroke, or Long Covid, many people experience fear and isolation, and struggle with the impact on...
Unfortunately you can't volunteer for this opportunity using this site, you should apply using this link.
Thank you for registering your interest in Walk Leader (Davidson's Mains) with Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland.
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland has been sent your details and message, they will respond to you at the email address you provided.
Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO100743.
Everyone has the right to live life to the full. After a diagnosis of a chest or heart condition, stroke, or Long Covid, many people experience fear and isolation, and struggle with the impact on...
Unfortunately you can't volunteer for this opportunity using this site, you should apply using this link.
Thank you for registering your interest in Walk Leader (Portobello) with Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland.
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland has been sent your details and message, they will respond to you at the email address you provided.
Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO100742.
Everyone has the right to live life to the full. After a diagnosis of a chest or heart condition, stroke, or Long Covid, many people experience fear and isolation, and struggle with the impact on...
Unfortunately you can't volunteer for this opportunity using this site, you should apply using this link.
Thank you for registering your interest in Walk Leader with Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland.
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland has been sent your details and message, they will respond to you at the email address you provided.
Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO100693.
The Heriot's Beavers and Cubs groups need help! They meet on a Friday evening between 18:30 and 20:00 at George Heriot's School. Cubs are aged 8-10 and Beavers 6-8 years old. The Assistant Leader will...
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Heriot's Beavers and Cubs Assistant with 7th Braid Edinburgh (George Heriot's School) Scout Group
Robert Anderson, 7th Braid Edinburgh (George Heriot's School) Scout Group
Thank you for registering your interest in Heriot's Beavers and Cubs Assistant with 7th Braid Edinburgh (George Heriot's School) Scout Group.
7th Braid Edinburgh (George Heriot's School) Scout Group has been sent your details and message, they will respond to you at the email address you provided.
Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO67851.
Volunteers are essential to Royal British Legion Scotland’s ability to support veterans in the community. We are currently recruiting volunteers for the Legion Scotland Veterans Community Support...
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Veterans Community Support Volunteer with Royal British Legion Scotland
Elliot Thomson, Royal British Legion Scotland
A copy will be sent to the organisation that supports volunteering in South Lanarkshire:
Thank you for registering your interest in Veterans Community Support Volunteer with Royal British Legion Scotland.
Royal British Legion Scotland has been sent your details and message, they will respond to you at the email address you provided.
Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO69988.
Encouraging young people to participate in activities, praising them for their achievements and challenging any unhelpful attitudes or behaviour that they may display. Participating in and, when...
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Outdoor Volunteer with Venture Scotland (Edinburgh)
Clare Mangan, Venture Scotland (Edinburgh)
Thank you for registering your interest in Outdoor Volunteer with Venture Scotland (Edinburgh).
Venture Scotland (Edinburgh) has been sent your details and message, they will respond to you at the email address you provided.
Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO67853.
The Care Van, which Bethany runs in partnership with Edinburgh City Mission, is an all year round service that offers food and support to people who are experiencing homelessness in the city. Duties...
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Care Van Driver Volunteer with Bethany Christian Trust
Your message will be sent to the organisation that supports volunteering in Edinburgh:
Thank you for registering your interest in Care Van Driver Volunteer with Bethany Christian Trust.
Bethany Christian Trust has been sent your details and message, they will respond to you at the email address you provided.
Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO97550.
General responsibilities: Inside the van: Cleaning all surfaces including inside. cupboards, boxes and shelves. Brushing and mopping floor. Refilling spray bottles. Tidying cupboards. Removing...
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Care Van Cleaning Volunteer with Bethany Christian Trust
Clare Mangan, Bethany Christian Trust
Thank you for registering your interest in Care Van Cleaning Volunteer with Bethany Christian Trust.
Bethany Christian Trust has been sent your details and message, they will respond to you at the email address you provided.
Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO85424.
What are the benefits of volunteering?
Any contribution big or small can make a huge difference. There are many benefits to yourself and others when you volunteer!