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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

Volunteering opportunities in south ayrshire

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For volunteers aged


Volunteering role

Total volunteering opportunities: 313  |  Current page: 7 of 32

Volunteer with Friends of the Broadway Prestwick. Friends of the Broadway Prestwick is a community group dedicated to bringing the former Broadway Cinema in Prestwick into community ownership...

Volunteer with Friends of the Broadway Prestwick. Friends of the Broadway Prestwick is a community group dedicated to bringing the former Broadway Cinema in Prestwick into community ownership...

Volunteer with Friends of the Broadway Prestwick. Friends of the Broadway Prestwick is a community group dedicated to bringing the former Broadway Cinema in Prestwick into community ownership...

As with our local branches each online branch will be different as will the activities and support they provide – they may run parent support groups, adult social groups, children’s activities...

British Heart Foundation funds over £100 million of lifesaving research into heart and circulatory diseases each year. We support you when you need us most. And we campaign for a healthier world...

British Heart Foundation funds over £100 million of lifesaving research into heart and circulatory diseases each year. We support you when you need us most. And we campaign for a healthier world...

British Heart Foundation funds over £100 million of lifesaving research into heart and circulatory diseases each year. We support you when you need us most. And we campaign for a healthier world...

British Heart Foundation funds over £100 million of lifesaving research into heart and circulatory diseases each year. We support you when you need us most. And we campaign for a healthier world...

British Heart Foundation funds over £100 million of lifesaving research into heart and circulatory diseases each year. We support you when you need us most. And we campaign for a healthier world...

British Heart Foundation funds over £100 million of lifesaving research into heart and circulatory diseases each year. We support you when you need us most. And we campaign for a healthier world...

What are the benefits of volunteering?

Any contribution big or small can make a huge difference. There are many benefits to yourself and others when you volunteer!

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