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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

Volunteering opportunities in south ayrshire

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For volunteers aged


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Total volunteering opportunities: 313  |  Current page: 9 of 32

Great Daffodil Appeal Collector - Join us in fundraising for just 2 hours! Choose a day and time that works for you to collect in your hometown. Use the link below to get started Collect for...

Do you want to see more happiness and kindness in the world? We’re looking for dynamic Volunteers to be part of creating exactly that! CLICK TO ACCESS OUR VOLUNTEER TRAINING: https...

CWAS brings joy to communities across Scotland - particularly people living with limited mobility, loneliness or isolation - via the incredible social tool known as the Trishaw (specially adapted e...

Sign up now to volunteer at a Kiltwalk event in 2025! Join our fantastic team of Kiltie volunteers and help support thousands of walkers as they take on Scotland’s ultimate walking challenge and...

As a CHSS Community Connector you can support CHSS any time or anywhere, giving as much or as little time to the tasks as you wish. As long as you have access to a smartphone, tablet or computer you...

At the heart of guiding are the unit meetings that girls go along to regularly. Volunteering at unit meetings means getting stuck in, meeting new people and running activities that help girls know...

At the heart of guiding are the unit meetings that girls go along to regularly. Volunteering at unit meetings means getting stuck in, meeting new people and running activities that help girls know...

South Ayrshire Walking Development - Paths for All want everyone to have the opportunity to walk everyday creating a happier, healthier and greener Scotland. There are currently 15 active health walks...

South Ayrshire Council Ranger Service are offering the opportunity for young persons aged between 13 to 18 to learn new, or develop existing skills in practical outdoor work. These sessions will...

Volunteering at parkrun Volunteering at parkrun is an opportunity to get outside, make new friends, have fun, learn new skills and to be a valuable part of your local community. We are always looking...

What are the benefits of volunteering?

Any contribution big or small can make a huge difference. There are many benefits to yourself and others when you volunteer!

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