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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

Ayrshire Online Radio

Ayrshire Online Radio is a internet radio station based in Ayrshire and targeting Ayrshire and the West Coast of Scotland and Ayrshire folk around the world. Run by a dedicated team of volunteers. We are proud of our pedigree of radio professionals involved, bringing fun and personality back into radio.

Current opportunities

We are a welcoming team who strive to promote and work together in the delivery of our radio passion. If this is you get in touch, No experience required and in most cases volunteer when suits you...

We are a welcoming team who strive to promote and work together in the delivery of our radio passion. If this is you get in touch, No experience required and in most cases volunteer when suits you...

We are a welcoming team who strive to promote and work together in the delivery of our radio passion. If this is you get in touch, No experience required and in most cases volunteer when suits you...

We are a welcoming team who strive to promote and work together in the delivery of our radio passion. If this is you get in touch, No experience required and in most cases volunteer when suits you...

We are a welcoming team who strive to promote and work together in the delivery of our radio passion. If this is you get in touch, No experience required and in most cases volunteer when suits you...

We are a welcoming team who strive to promote and work together in the delivery of our radio passion. If this is you get in touch, No experience required and in most cases volunteer when suits you...