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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

Who Cares Scotland - Clacks

Charity registered in Scotland SC026076

Who Cares? Scotland provides professional, independent advocacy services in most local authority areas in Scotland. We work one on one with a young person to help them have a say in what is happening to them. We strive to provide advocacy that helps young people feel respected, included, listened to and understood. We’re independent to any care services a young person receives – this is crucial because we want young people to be supported and understood with no conflict of interest.

We offer a wide range of groups, activities and events for care experienced people across Scotland. This is one of the many benefits of becoming a member of the Who Cares? Scotland family.

The Scottish Government funds Who Cares? Scotland to provide a range of different training opportunities to Corporate Parents. Our training supports organisations to continually improve their policies, procedures and practice. Rather than provide the answers, our training brings care experienced people together with those at a strategic and operational level to plan the way forward.

We seek to influence the development of legislation, policy and good practice which has an effect on the lives of care experienced young people. We believe that those who have been in care are the experts in their own experience. That means they have a lot to offer and must be consulted by those in power. Who Cares? Scotland has increasingly worked with care experienced people across Scotland to capture their views, experiences and suggestions for change in a range of areas.Our vision is supported by four key objectives:• Rights: We will support care experienced children and young people from across Scotland to claim their rights.• Belonging: We will create opportunities with care experienced people to connect with one another, understand their identity and build a strong sense of self and belonging to the care family.• Influencing: We will support care experienced people to be active in positively influencing their personal, social and political world in Scotland and beyond.• Pioneering: We will lead an ethical organisation with care experience at its heart.

2023/24 marks the launch of our brand-new project: Clackmannanshire Communities that Care. This is a programme aiming to span 5 years, run through STV funding, with staff presence in each of the 3 high schools. We will work to raise awareness of care experienced people across our entire school workforce and pupil roll, and within the wider communities these schools serve, to educate on unique challenges faced and to empower an all-community approach to support the achievement of better outcomes for all care experienced people.

Current opportunities

Do you have 2-3 hours a week to support Care Experienced Young People in your area? Induction and training provided You will be supported and provided by a dedicated volunteer coordinator...

PURPOSE AND AIMS OF THE ROLE: They are looking for volunteers who can provide a strong foundation to help strengthen their communities by helping Care Experienced children and young people engage in...

Who Cares? Scotland are looking for volunteers who can provide a strong foundation to help strengthen their communities by helping Care Experienced children and young people engage in activities to...