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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

Resonate Together

Resonate Together is a strong, diverse, and fun-loving community.

Relationships and connections are at the heart of Resonate Together. Our mission is to support local people to live fulfilling, meaningful and sustainable lives. We create opportunities and activities for individuals to connect with themselves, with the wider community and with the natural world.

Our Method Create the present: We know that an individuals environment affects not only their wellbeing but their decision making, their physical and mental health and the negativity ripples through the people around them. People in a positive, inclusive environment make better, more beneficial decisions for themselves and others. We create an inclusive, supportive and empathetic environment for people to engage within their positive moments.

Plan the future: Our activities are designed to engage people in a meaningful way. We encourage collaboration and help to develop problem solving skills with participants; for them to create, own and develop innovative, sustainable solutions which can be transferred to the real challenges in their lives that matter to them.

Sustainability: The complex challenges faced by the people of Alloa and beyond cannot be solved with quick-fix, short term solutions. We keep the bigger picture in sight in all we do. Long term planning, projects ongoing indefinitely and sustainable income generation enable us to continue our work in response to the ongoing needs and aspirations of local people.

Deliver services and outcomes: Our activities are flexible, inclusive and purposefully created to support each individual to explore their relationships with themselves, others and the natural world. We encourage the people we work with to think outside the box, be proactive and take risks in pursuit of a positive, meaningful life.

Measure impact: Individual and collective development is achieved through the acknowledgement, understanding and learning of the real lfe outcomes of our work. We are committed to growing from our mistakes, admitting where we have fallen short and always striving to learn together and do better.

Sustain our community: We are proud to have created a sector-leading organisational model for sustainable communities alongside our work on community empowered leadership which has been successful in bringing policy changes. We continue to share our learning via our website and available for free to individuals and communities.

If you wish to take positive steps for yourself, if you want to connect with likeminded people and if you believe that a flourishing community benefits all of us, then do get in touch and we are looking forward to hearing from you!

Current opportunity

Resonate Together is a local charity which has been running for over 13 years. Resonate run various groups dependant on the skills individuals bring, from various art groups to chess club & gardening...