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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

LinkLiving: Older People's Service

Charity registered in Scotland SC032418

The Older Person's Service provides a variety of support including volunteer befrienders and paid staff who support older people in their own homes to reduce social isolation and loneliness. It provides support for social activities within the local community and practical support such as trips to local shops and medical appointments. It also hosts five Social Cafes per week where people aged 65+ can drop in for a bit of fun and a cuppa.

These services are offered across Fife.

Current opportunities

They are looking for volunteer befrienders to help them expand their growing service. Volunteer befrienders provide one to one befriending to a socially isolated older person, visiting them in their...

Make someone's day! Help reduce loneliness and social isolation by volunteering at on of their social cafes. The cafes offer older people the chance to chat with others over a cuppa. Quizzes, games...

Make someone's day! Help reduce loneliness and social isolation by volunteering at one of their social cafes. The cafes offer older people the chance to chat with others over a cuppa. Quizzes, games...

Could you help reduce the social isolation of an older person by becoming a volunteer driver? LinkLiving need drivers to take people to and from their social cafe at Larick Community Centre, Tayport...

Could you help reduce the loneliness and social isolation of an older person by becoming a volunteer driver? LinkLiving need drivers to take people to and from their social cafe at Maxwell Centre. The...

Could you help reduce the loneliness and social isolation of an older person by becoming a volunteer driver? LinkLiving need drivers to take people to and from their social cafe at Rosyth Parkgate...

Could you help reduce the loneliness and social isolation of an older person by becoming a volunteer driver? LinkLiving need drivers to take people to and from their social cafe at Torryburn Community...

Make someone's day! Help reduce loneliness and social isolation by volunteering at one of their social cafes. The cafes offer older people the chance to chat with others over a cuppa. Quizzes, games...

Make someone’s day! Help reduce loneliness and social isolation by volunteering at a social cafes. The cafes offer older people the chance to chat with others over a cuppa. Quizzes, games and a range...