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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Orkney Assistant Volunteer

Do you enjoy a variety of indoor and outdoor tasks and want to help Orkney’s wildlife? Species on the Edge assistant volunteer could be the role for you! Our Orkney team are looking for volunteers of all ages and abilities to share their interests, skills and passions to help Orkney’s wildlife.

Why we need you:
Species on the Edge is a partnership of NatureScot and seven conservation charities dedicated to improving the future of 37 of the rarest and most threatened species on Scotland’s coasts and islands.

Orkney is one of seven Species on the Edge project areas, and the team are working to protect nine target species across the county: Great yellow bumblebee; curlew; lapwing; Arctic tern; little tern; plantain leaf beetle; common pipistrelle bat; oysterplant; and Scottish primrose.

These species are all struggling and in decline and our islands are some of their last strongholds. We need your help to share your passion for Orkney’s wildlife with others by volunteering as an assistant with us.

What you will do:
• Share your interests, skills and passions with us!
• Help us create new resources using your skills in photography, artwork, crafting, or 3D model making.
• Use your skills to help us make new display materials, create audio-visual resources, write prose or poems, use storytelling or your presentation skills to give a community talk.
• Work from home or our office to process species records and enter survey data.
• Put up posters and hand out leaflets where you live.

What will you gain?
• Opportunities to meet new people and visit new places in Orkney.
• A chance to see and learn more about Orkney's important wildlife.
• Ways to share your own skills, interests, and passions and pick up new ones.
• Experience of working within the conservation sector in Orkney.
• Time out in nature for your own active health and wellbeing.
• Being part of the Species on the Edge programme making a difference for species, nature, and the environment.

Experience required

• Interest in learning about Orkney's wildlife, especially our target species.
• Enjoys being part of a team but can also work individually.
• Willingness to help with a variety of tasks with supervision.
• Ability to travel independently.
• Some experience of assisting with a nature project would be useful but not essential.

Training details

Training and ongoing support will be provided.


Role can be done from home, remotely or from our Stromness office. Our Stromness office is in the process of securing a ramp for wheelchair access, but currently has no fully accessible disabled toilet.

Volunteers (aged 12-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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