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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Police Scotland Special Constable Volunteers (Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray)

Putting yourself forward to assist any organisation / group or association is to the benefit and promotion of their objectives and what they stand for within the communities they operate.

Police Scotland Special Constables contribute a competent and professional support backup to the organisation as a whole.

As a Special Constable you will have received training, be assessed and achieved a competent level of Police Legislation knowledge to work alongside your fellow Regular colleagues.

A small range and example of the duties you could be involved in are from Missing person enquiries, Working on wildlife crime investigations, Anti-disorder patrols to deal with hotspots, Driving Police vehicles / Crewing patrol vehicles to Major incident door to door enquiries.

Each Police Scotland Division have a Special Constable Coordinator to look after the deployment and development of their Special Constables. After initial training a Special Constable will deploy within their chosen area and develop their skill base with the assistance of their Coordinator and their respective Local Policing team.

Example of comments from current Special Constables:
-“I felt I could contribute to the community I live in and would have opportunities to meet and work with other people while doing a job I had always considered.”
-“Serving the community is an integral part of a Special Constables duties, working as part of the local team and often with other agencies to provide essential services to those who require assistance in their time of need”
-“Volunteering my time to my community has become something that I find extremely rewarding.”
-“I have received a tremendous amount of encouragement, nurturing and support from all my colleagues, from the front office staff to my fellow Special Constables, Constables, Sergeants, Inspector and Chief Inspector. This makes volunteering for duties an easy decision, who would not want to be part of such an amazing team! “

*Interested in Police Scotland Special Constables please contact your Local Special Constable Coordinator or Police Scotland Recruitment at email (for Aberdeen) or email: (for Aberdeenshire and Moray).

*Further information is also available at

Training details

Excellent training and support is provided to all volunteer Special Constables.


Minimum age: 18
You must be 18 years of age to be appointed as a Special Constable, although you can apply at the age of 17.5 years of age.

Frequency & commitment
Various times available to assist. You can work full time and be a Special Constable in just 96 hours per year or a few hours a week. The role is diverse, demanding, and rewarding. All Special Constables make a difference and are greatly appreciated.

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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