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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Campaign & Lobbying Volunteers

Making change for animals happens in many different ways. Protesting and public outreach is a powerful engagement tool, but sometimes we also need to combine this with talking directly to people in power - your local decision makers. As a Campaign & Lobbying Volunteer, you will combine these 2 campaigning tools to fight for legislative change. By building relationships with your local politicians, whilst also delivering outreach and awareness raising events locally, you will inspire your local MP to take action for the animals. And - you don't need to be an expert on politics. We will give you everything you need, and ultimately this about raising an issue to your MP as a concerned member of their constituency. It's their job to listen to you!

If you envisage a world free from animal suffering, and you want to play your part in making history for animals, we'd love for you to join our volunteer community.

As a Campaign & Lobbying Volunteer, you will take the lead on driving local action for our legislative campaigns. You will help animals in 2 key ways:

  1. Lobbying your local politician(s): you will be building and maintaining a relationship with your local MP, talking to them about The Humane League UK's campaigns and encouraging them to take the steps we need to drive progress for animals. This will happen in many ways, including writing letters, sending emails, using social media, and sometimes even meeting them in person (or online) when this is strategically important. Through effective and persuasive communication, you will keep animal welfare firmly on their agendas.

  1. In addition, you will have the opportunity to organise public outreach events in your area. These events will help to raise awareness of the issues facing animals in factory farms amongst other constituents in your area, helping to get the attention of your MP. These events may range from door-dropping information, delivering talks, or engaging with members of the public  at street events. The more people in your area who know about the issues facing animals, the more pressure your local MP will receive to do the right thing. Your grassroots events can help us gain support of decision makers, and you can play your part in making history for animals.

This role is remotely accessible and focused on local action near where you’re based. No prior experience is required, just a passion and drive to make a difference. There is no set time commitment, but roughly 4-6 hours a month is average for this role, depending on how involved you can be.

A fantastic opportunity to help and make a real difference. For further details please contact Aimee May, Organising Administrator at email: or tel.: 01273 569 057.

If you’re interested in volunteering with The Humane League UK, but aren’t sure if the Campaign & Lobbying role is right for you, please check out our other volunteer opportunities on our website:

Travel details

The Humane League UK is a remote charity, meaning volunteering is either home-based or in your local community. Wherever travel is required volunteers can claim pre-agreed expenses for this. There are opportunities offered throughout the year where possible to bring staff and volunteers together in-person, which are optional.

Travel expenses

We pay public transport and other relevant volunteer related expenses as and when they occur. Volunteers are required to submit an expenses form within one month of the expense.

Training details

Relevant training and excellent support is provided to all volunteers. Induction training modules are provided through our volunteer database, which consist of reading documents and watching videos to learn more about The Humane League UK and our current campaigns. If a volunteer is unable to access these resources digitally we can send a printed version in the post. There will be ongoing training provided in the form of webinars to upskill the volunteer in areas relevant to their role. We use Slack as our volunteer communication platform, in addition to weekly email updates. Members of staff are available to contact for ongoing support via Slack, email or phone.


Minimum age: 18

Frequency & commitment
Flexible times available to volunteer. All help makes a difference and is greatly appreciated.

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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