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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Gardens Volunteer

Tullibody Community Garden was part of Tullibody Health Living; in February 2021 we became a charity in our own right.

What are they about?
Gardening for health and wellbeing about sums it up! Their charitable aims are: To advance physical and mental health by supporting people to cook and eat healthy, grown produce; through physical and purposeful activity; and by bringing people together in these activities. To advance community development by provision of a community garden space and encouraging voluntary and social activity, based on an inclusive and mutually supportive approach. To advance education by providing training events and courses in gardening, healthy eating, and environmental activities; and supporting local schools to be active in these areas. To advance environmental improvement by adopting and promoting sustainable practices and encouraging wildlife.

For the garden , seed planting , weeding, digging, taking care of vegtable beds, fruit cage, orchard and wildflower beds and pond. Using some garden equipment. You will work alongside other volunteers, there is always a lead volunteer who will support and teach you whatever you need to know to undertake the tasks that are needing done at each session. At the moment the garden is open on a Tuesday and Wednesday between 10am and 2pm, plans are taking place to expands the openings to weekends/and or evenings. It will depend on how many volunteers are in place. We have a buddy system so you will always have someone to check with and help you along the way.

Phone: 07450 230771

Experience required

You don’t need a lot of skills, just a wilingess to learn and get along with other people, you must be honest and trustworthy, be non-judgmental.

Are there any restrictions on who can volunteer, if so why?
Minimum age, maximum age, gender etc


Voluteers are invited to undertake taster sessions , see how they fit together, they complete a induction covering health and safety and information about their organisation, they provide ongoing training, and have a buddy system so volunteers have a named person.


Minimum age: 16


Volunteers (aged 16-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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