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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Board Trustees

Become a Trustee at VSA

VSA is looking for Trustees to join its Board. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to a historic charity with a formidable reputation and to help the Board build a long-term plan.

VSA has over 150 years’ experience of delivering social care in Aberdeen, to vulnerable people, adults and older people with learning difficulties and mental health needs. We have grown to be a major employer with an accredited Skills Qualification Centre. VSA has a strong corporate and community volunteering tradition. Today, VSA is of a medium sized company providing education, housing support and social care to young people and adults with complex needs.

We particularly want to hear from people with a medical background, or current skills in the following: charity & company law, complex learning & behavioural education/social care and environmental/social governance.

Key aspects of trustee roles at VSA are as follows:

• To assist the Chair in providing Board leadership on specific areas of strategic direction

• To act as an effective champion for VSA

• To ensure that VSA has people with LD & MH at the heart of decision making

• To oversee and ensure the implementation of VSA policies, with responsibility for occasional decisions on individual recipient cases

• To ensure effective corporate governance, risk management and financial management of VSA

• To ensure public accountability for the funds for which VSA receives from central and local government and raises independently

• To uphold the highest ethical standards of integrity and probity and comply with the Board’s Code of Conduct

You will be interested in joining VSA’s Board if you have a personal commitment to supporting vulnerable children, young adults and older people with learning disabilities and/or mental health needs to lead the best of life alongside current practices in the above field.

This role is not remunerated but all reasonable expenses, for example childcare, travel etc will be covered. The time commitment is approx 8 to 10 days per year. This is likely to include attendance at Board or Committee meetings, reading and preparation time, and other meetings such as Strategy or Stakeholder. If you are interested please contact the Chair of Trustees, Kevin Shand via Ally Panton at the email address below.

To express your interest in becoming a Trustee and to arrange an initial informal discussion, please email

Travel expenses

Reasonable expenses will be paid to cover the cost of travel and childcare.

Training details

Relevant training and excellent support is provided to all Board Members/volunteers.

Volunteers (aged 12-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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