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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Guide Dogs Collection Box Co-ordinator

How would you like to be part of the Guide Dogs family and help people with sight loss live the life they choose? We would love to have you onboard to help with our ambition of a future where every person with sight loss has the confidence and support they need to live their lives to the full.
Did you know that we don’t just provide life-changing guide dogs, we also provide advice, skills, emotional and practical support for children, adults and their families living with sight loss to help them live actively, independently and well?
To do all this we need the support of amazing volunteers like you!
If you would like more information, are unsure or need flexibility around the role then chat to us first by emailing and someone will be in touch.
What does the role involve?
Identifying suitable places and placing our iconic dog-shaped collection boxes locally in shops and businesses and counting up the funds every few months before paying them in to Guide Dogs.
Key responsibilities:

  • Identifying and placing collecting boxes in suitable locations

  • Talking to the shop owner, receptionist etc at the location about how the boxes will help Guide Dogs and what we do

  • Emptying boxes every 3-6 months (as they get full) and banking the income through the paying in book provided.
    Give a receipt and letter of thanks to the hosts

  • Keeping a written record of the location of all boxes for your supervisor, the dates they are emptied and the dates/
    amounts banked

  • If boxes aren’t collecting much, you’ll decide to move them to a better location. Your supervisor may also ask you to
    remove boxes

  • Reporting any stolen boxes to the local mobility team
    Please contact for more information.

Experience required

Role would be ideal for someone who likes meeting new people and getting out and about in their local community. You would also have to be confident speaking to new people to help spread the word about Guide Dogs!
No prior experience is required, becoming a fundraising volunteer is a great place to start if you've never volunteered before as you'll receive full training from Guide Dogs and be supported by the other volunteers in your group

Travel details

Travel around local area to place and collect boxes. When expenses form is submitted and processed. Pre-agreed expenses are covered

Travel expenses

When expenses form is submitted and processed. Pre-agreed expenses are covered

Training details

Full training and ongoing support is provided. An induction to the organisation as well as role specific training is provided. Volunteers will have a key staff contact for support


Minimum age: 18
Must be able to travel around local area to place and retrieve collection boxes

Frequency & commitment
Role is flexible and can fit in easily with your daily activities so would be great for someone who wanted to volunteer but didn't have much time to give.

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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