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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Home Visiting Volunteers

*Home visiting volunteers
Every day Home-Start Aberdeen is providing life-changing support to families across the city. Our local community network of trained volunteers helps families with young children when they need us most.

Home-Start’s Home Visiting Volunteers work alongside families, offering compassionate and confidential support, tailored to what each family wants and needs. They undergo extensive training and are supported by our expert staff team. Most of our home visiting volunteers have some parenting experience; they understand that family life can be tough sometimes, which is why their support is so valuable to another family.

*Our Home Visiting Volunteers:
· Visit families weekly in their own homes
· Offer friendship, emotional support and practical help and be a regular, reliable presence for families
· Reassure families that bringing up children can be challenging and everybody needs help sometimes
· Emphasise the positive aspects of family life
· Draw on their own experience to help parents develop their skills, improve their confidence and build better lives for their children
· Keep children at the centre of the support focusing on their wellbeing and safety and ensuring the best possible outcomes for them

*We offer our Home Visiting Volunteers:
· Excellent preparation for the role through our Volunteer Preparation training course
· Regular and frequent support and supervision meetings, and ongoing help and advice, from a dedicated Volunteer Coordinator
· Ongoing training and personal development opportunities
· The opportunity to make new friends and build social networks
· Involvement in a vital local service which is part of a national and global network

Home visiting requires energy, commitment, reliability, creativity and a sense of humour. It can be exciting or challenging but above all it is extremely rewarding and worthwhile.

For more information please email: or telephone: 01224 693 545.

Experience required

We are looking for warm, compassionate people with a sense of humour and a realistic outlook on life.

Travel details

Volunteering Opportunities take place throughout Aberdeen City.

Home-Starts main office is in the centre of Aberdeen (Langstane House, 6 Dee Street, Aberdeen).

Travel expenses

Any relevant travel costs eg. bus fares, mileage and parking costs are offered/re-imbursed to volunteers.

Training details

Full training and excellent support is provided to all volunteers. The volunteer, the family and the Home-Start Co-ordinator work together as a team.


Minimum age: 16

Frequency & commitment
Flexible times available to assist-all help is greatly appreciated

Volunteers (aged 16-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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