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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Food Pantry Volunteer

We offer a welcoming approach and treat all members with the dignity that they deserve. KLSB have worked alongside community partners including Stenhousemuir FC, local councillors, local small businesses & various homeless charities and supported accommodation.
Members pay a small fee whenever they visit the pantry where they can pick up to 10 items of food, household essentials, personal products and / or pet food. Depending on availability we may also be able to offer free items which will be over the members allocation.

We do not operate like a food bank where pantry users are only entitled to a small amount of goods for a small period of time. We offer our members a place on the pantry at a cost of only£2.50 per visit. This cost entitles the member to call into the pantry once per week and pick items of shopping. As we are a non-profit group all funds received are reinvested back into the pantry meaning that there is always stock available for all. We offer our members fresh fruit, bread & eggs.

We are looking for volunteers to help at our Community Food Pantry in Stenhousemuir. Duties will include:-
• Moving and sorting stock which requires a level of physical fitness
• Sorting stock into dates and rotating stock within those dates
• Restocking shelves with cupboard items
• Making up recipe bags with ingredients
• Recording fridge and freezer temperatures
• Assisting service users visiting the pantry
• Cash handling of fees and donations

The pantry is open 3 days per week, although volunteers are in the pantry out with these times sorting stock and restocking shelves. We are looking for volunteer commitment of at least 2 hours per week for a minimum term of 6 weeks, this is to enable volunteers to build relationships with our service users.

Experience required

We are looking for someone who can work on their own initiative as well as part of a well established team.

Travel details

38 King Street, Stenhousemuir


Minimum age: 18
Level of physical fitness required for lifting of stock. Please note the pantry can be extremely busy & noisy at times.

Frequency & commitment
Currently recruiting volunteers for Wednesday session, 12-2pm

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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