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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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CAB Volunteering

Want to make a difference through your volunteering?

Angus Citizen Advice Bureau have a fantastic range of rewarding volunteer roles including providing generalist advice, collating social policy information, administrative, reception roles or as a Board member.
Working out of three offices in Angus located in Arbroath, Forfar and Montrose, we have volunteers working out of all of the offices.

Angus CAB offers advice across a wide range of areas, like benefits, debt, housing, employment, consumer, immigration, and more. So, our training must equip an adviser to be able to provide advice in all these areas. It’s not a matter of becoming an expert in all of them though – we have a centralised online advice system which any adviser can use to find the right solutions for a particular case. Our training just covers the basics of all of these topics, as well as interview skills, data protection, the aims and principles of the service, and equalities and diversity. Each stage of the training is made up of a blend of learning activities, including e-learning modules, self-study booklets, video clips, adviser checklists, etc. Accessibility and flexibility allow trainees to complete this learning in any location where they have a computer or tablet, and at their own pace.

So the training is thorough, but done in a trainee-centred way. It takes at least three months for a person to complete it.
Volunteering at Angus CAB is a great way to help your community and also gain transferrable skills, experience and contacts.

If you’re thinking about volunteering, please contact Gael Cameron Volunteer Training and Development Officer, to arrange an information chat by e-mail or by telephone 01241 870661. Or alternatively click on the button below.

Volunteers (aged 12-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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