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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Community Schools Volunteer

Who Cares? Scotland are looking for volunteers who can provide a strong foundation to help strengthen their communities by helping Care Experienced children and young people engage in activities to build their skills and confidence and to be included, understood, respected, and valued in their communities.

The Community Schools volunteer role will work alongside their innovative and energetic Clackmannanshire Who Cares? Scotland project team and will lead and support on educating and raising awareness of Care Experience to Secondary School pupils and all school staff through assemblies, PSE sessions and drop-ins.

Community Schools Volunteers will help to raise awareness of Care Experience, work towards ending stigma and injustice that Care Experience people can face and be part of influencing transformational change. This role will help build community strengths for Care Experienced people and provide social networks to help build resilience and positive outcomes for children and young people.

To build on this school work and embed inclusion and belonging, the team are looking to develop a participation group for Care Experienced young people to attend weekly in the evenings. This role will involve interacting with young people through supporting and leading on a variety of activities e.g. arts/crafts/sports/general youth work at our weekly sessions as well as at their National events that happen throughout the year.

Would you like to share your skills and experience to help ensure young people understand the lives of Care Experienced young people and the challenges they can face.

Who Cares? Scotland is an organisation that invests in their people, relationships and promotes a positive working culture. It’s important to the group that the volunteers are included, involved and motivated to change society.

Who Cares? Scotland aim to recruit people with excellent qualities from a wide variety of backgrounds who share in our mission. They particularly welcome applications from individuals with Care Experience.

An information session regarding this new project and the requirements for the Volunteer role will be held on the 15th of June at 6pm via Zoom. The team running the project will be in attendance to give more information and answer any questions you might have. You can register your interest here -


Minimum age: 18


Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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