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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Community Engagement Facilitator

Being a Community Facilitator is all about delivering a variety of lifesaving first aid skills in community engagement workshops and projects, within local communities and primary and secondary schools. A lot of these projects involve talking about and demonstrating the basics of first aid to community groups that can include children, young people and vulnerable adults.

The role is all about promoting first aid awareness and helping to achieve our mission to create a nation of lifesavers.

Travel details

The communities and schools we work with will be based all over East Renfrewshire.


Minimum age: 16

Volunteers (aged 16-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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