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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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SensationALL Volunteers

*Volunteers are key to the success of SensationALL! *Do you have an hour or more to spare and want to make a difference in a fun and friendly environment?
SensationALL run sensory based therapy groups and services for children and adults with multiple support needs. We need volunteers to assist our team in delivering engaging and rewarding sessions for all our service users. You would be involved in activities such as crafts, baking, games and music as well as helping with the set-up, making refreshments and tidying up. Our children’s groups include access to our soft play area so they can experience free play in safe and comfortable surroundings as well as structured messy play, sensory story-time or craft activities.
Individuals interested in gaining experience working with people who have sensory and learning disabilities and autism will particularly benefit from volunteering with us however no previous experience is required.
Volunteers of all ages and backgrounds are welcome.
We also require volunteers to help with:
*IT/admin tasks
*Maintenance/equipment cleaning
*Trustee Board Members
Good support and relevant training is provided to all volunteers. Every volunteer is given an induction prior to starting. Once actively volunteering with us we will extend the opportunity to attend any in-house training such as first aid, introduction to Autism, Makaton amongst others.
Contact us for more information on any of these roles. Any time volunteers can give is greatly appreciated and will make a real difference to our charity! For more information please email us at or tel.: 01224 476699

Experience required

No particular skills are required… only a willingness to work with those with a support need. Training will be offered to all our volunteers.

Travel details

Groups take place in our centre in Westhill and run Monday to Thursday and fortnightly on a Sunday.
Parking is available nearby.
Bus route X17 from Union Square stops on Westhill Road close to SensationALL.

Travel expenses

Volunteers will be able to make expense claims for travel expenses and will be reimbursed on request.

Training details

Good support and relevant training is provided to all volunteers. Every volunteer is given an induction prior to starting. Once actively volunteering with us we will extend the opportunity to attend any in-house training such as first aid, introduction to Autism, Makaton amongst others.


Minimum age: 14

Frequency & commitment
Flexible times available to suit volunteers-all help is greatly appreciated.

Volunteers (aged 14-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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