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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Community Lunch Provider

Rocksolid have secured funding to run a community lunch on a weekly basis for the next year but in order to do this we need community focused like-minded individuals to help us run our lunch. The more people we can involve the better but essentially, we are looking for help to prepare the basic lunch (training can be provided) to prepare the hall for the lunch (your own input would be valued here) and we need volunteers for running of the service (taking orders and serving.) Also with the clearing away at the end.

We are also looking for anyone who would like to come and showcase a talent or special skill at least twice a month. If you think this is something you’d like to get involved with please get in touch.

Community lunch Friday’s service is 12-1.30, Volunteer hours are 10.30-2.20.

Experience required

None are required but someone who is enthusiastic, likes to cook/bake would be great also service experience again not required but would definitely help

Travel details

Rocksolid, Douglas and mid Craigie Church, Balbeggie Place
Dundee, DD4 8RD. The 28/29/9/10 stop at the bottom of our street and travel expenses will be reimbured.

Training details

Training offered but not essential unless preparing food.


Minimum age: 13
We need a certain level of maturity with working in a kitchen and with the public

Frequency & commitment
4 hours per week for a six month commitment. 10.30-2.30