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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Volunteer Operations Manager

Do you want to help people to deal with the challenges of work and life? The Business Connection (TBC) is a charity founded by 4 Christian businessmen to ‘encourage, equip and empower men and women working in the corporate business environment’. Although founded on Christian principles we support people of all faiths and none.
We run fortnightly Tuesday breakfasts at the Holiday Inn Express, Chapel Street, Aberdeen giving folks a chance to meet informally to be encouraged & supported and signposted to appropriate help. We also run a monthly breakfast on the last Friday of the month at the Palm Court Hotel when we have a guest speaker. The topics are aimed at bringing useful content on wellbeing, personal development and practical guidance. In March 2019, TBC held its inaugural ‘Thrive’ conference in Aberdeen. This was to encourage those of a Christian faith in how they could thrive within the marketplace. With guest speakers from across the UK and the USA the excellent feedback received, both on content and quality of the conference, has led to plans being made for Thrive 2020 not only in Aberdeen but also expanding to Edinburgh. Exciting times!
Jim Grimmer, co-founder & managing trustee cut back from full-time work in 2015 to dedicate 2 days a week, on a voluntary basis, to the development of TBC. TBC has now grown to some 300 individuals on the events mailing list and has become known for its work across the UK. Jim is also founder of a social enterprise P3 Business Care bringing personal & proactive care to employees in business in partnership with their employer and with his team, is visiting businesses on a weekly basis across the UK so no longer has the capacity to manage TBC.
The opportunity of Volunteer Operations Manager of TBC has fantastic potential. Currently the fortnightly breakfasts takes place in the City centre however there is an opportunity to expand the breakfasts to multiple locations across the city on different days. There is also work to be done in developing our relationships with the local church ideally identifying a TBC focal point from the business community within each church and creating a network of TBC contacts.
For more information please contact Jim Grimmer, Managing Trustee at E Mail: or tel.: 07449336606. Details also available at

Experience required

A ‘people person’ capable of building relationships. Will have excellent admin and financial management experience and have a strong sense of purpose, outworking their Christian faith in the marketplace.

Travel details

Predominantly carried out within the City of Aberdeen. As opportunities grow this could be expanded to Aberdeenshire.

Travel expenses

As a volunteer out of pocket expenses would be reimbursed upon submission of receipts. When funding allows this would continue along with a paid mileage rate for attending meetings reimbursed on a monthly basis.

Training details

Good support and relevant training provided to all volunteers. Includes a comprehensive induction covering all areas and responsibilities of the role. This will include training on the use of Mailchimp and Eventbrite (if required) and TBC social media.

Taster available

Minimum age: 21

Frequency & commitment
Flexible times available. All help greatly appreciated.

Volunteers (aged 21-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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