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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Residentials Volunteer

Over The Wall is a charity for children and young people with health challenges and disabilities to discover a world of mischief and magic. We provide a safe place to step outside of comfort zones, establish friendships and build confidence through meaningful and exciting activities. We run residentials in England and Scotland, as well as virtual activity camps for families in the UK to join from their own homes.

We need volunteers each year to help run our programmes. There are a variety of roles to suit each volunteer’s skills and strengths. You can join us at our residentials as a teammate, clinical volunteer, activity leader or as media crew. Or, if you want to help from the comfort of home, you can join Camp in the Cloud as an online facilitator.

Volunteers are a huge part of the heart and soul of Over The Wall. You play a leading role in providing the magical, transforming experience we give our campers and their families. Not only this, but you’ll have fun yourself! You’ll have chance to develop your own skills, make friends and create memories that last. It’s not just our campers that Over The Wall has a lasting impact on!

To find dates and locations, visit, where you can start your volunteering journey today.

Experience required

We value enthusiasm, a sense of fun and a genuine desire to empower children and young adults with serious health challenges.

Travel details

Our camps in Scotland are held at Strathallan School, Forgandenny, near Perth. If required, we may be able to help with travel arrangements if you let us know in advance. Many of our volunteers choose to car-share to travel to camp. You'll have chance to chat to your fellow volunteers and arrange this in advance if you'd like to.

Travel expenses

We do not provide travel expenses for your journey to camp. However, everything at camp is provided for you free-of-charge (food, accommodation etc.).

Training details

You'll receive full training in advance of camp. You'll need to complete E-Learning and then arrive on site before all of the campers (usually the day before), in order to meet your teammates and take part in training. You'll be supported throughout camp by experienced volunteers and the Over The Wall staff team.


Minimum age: 18
You'll require a PVG certificate to volunteer with us at our camps in Scotland.

Frequency & commitment
We run two types of camp in Scotland each year; Health Challenge & Sibling Camps (4-5 nights) and Family Camps (2-3 nights). For details of this year's camps, visit