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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Trustee Vacancies

About the Charity

Borders Pet Rescue is a small registered Scottish charity offering animal rescue, re-homing and the promotion of responsible pet ownership through education and training across the Scottish Borders and adjoining areas. Established in 1988, the Charity’s Rescue Centre is at Craigsford in Earlston. Each year more than 200 dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and exotics are re-homed. The charity relies entirely on fundraising, donations and significant funds generated by four Borders Pet Rescue Charity Shops located in Galashiels, Kelso, Duns and Hawick. Like all animal charities, BPR relies on the generosity of the animal loving public to support the work and could not survive without the dedication of the many friends and volunteers.

About the Vacancies

We are seeking to recruit a number of individuals with experience across any of the following skills areas:

Marketing/social media
Retail management
Property/asset management
Animal welfare
Applications from individuals with other relevant experience would also be welcome.

Principal duties include:

To attend bi-monthly (Jan/Mar/May/Jul/Sep/Nov) Board meetings held on a Monday evening via virtual and face-to-face meetings.
Board members are expected to participate in the charities activities and are asked to attend and support the organisation’s volunteer and fundraising events.
Time commitment: Approximately 2 days per month, including bi-monthly Trustee meetings (2-3 hours per meeting)

It is essential that Board members share a passion and commitment for animal welfare. Please note that these are voluntary roles, although reasonable expenses will be reimbursed/paid.

Experience required

Marketing/social media
Retail management
Property/asset management
Animal welfare

Travel details

Meetings will be held in Earlston, TD4 6DJ

Travel expenses

Reasonable expenses will be reimbursed/paid.

Taster available

Minimum age: 18

Frequency & commitment
Approximately 2 days per month, including bi-monthly Trustee meetings (2-3 hours per meeting)