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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Programme Team Leader

The Programme Team Leader leads a team of volunteers who support other volunteers to deliver a high-quality
programme across our Sections, provide skilled people to support Section programme in areas where volunteers may not
be experts themselves, run District events and encourage sharing of good practice. As we transform our volunteering in
2024 to make volunteering even easier, more enjoyable and rewarding, they will work closely with other members of the
District Leadership Team to establish a new teams-based approach to volunteering, developing their own team structures
and agreeing tasks with their team.

Experience required

• Excellent written and oral communication skills
• Can build, maintain and facilitate effective working relationships with a wide range
of people
• Enables others to identify issues, clarify objectives, develop attainable objectives
and gain the necessary skills and confidence to work as an effective team
• Plans, manages and monitors own tasks and time
• Can use basic computer software and systems
• Can lead a team effectively
• An understanding of the needs of adult volunteers
• Flexible approach
• Self-motivated
• Ability to work as part of a team and promote teamwork
• Resourceful, energetic and enthusiastic about the role
• Acceptance of the Fundamentals of Scouting

Travel details

Our main HQ is at Keptie Scout Centre, Keptie Road. Arbroath, however we do utilise other halls across the Scout District and use Zoom as much as possible in order to cut down travel where not needed.

Travel expenses

Expenses are re-imbursed


Within our transformation process of volunteering we are changing the way we do things. Where we will offer everyone a warm welcome and make sure that we listen to their needs and help support them into settling into their role.


Minimum age: 18
PVG certificate required (Costs covered by the Scouts)

Frequency & commitment
We predict that this role will require 8-18 hours of volunteering per month. However this will be delivered in quite a flexible way at times and at others with more meetings with wider volunteers in order to support the programme delivery.