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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Companion in the Community

We are looking for volunteers aged 18 or over to join our Companion team and support adults affected by a terminal illness in the community.

Volunteers will be matched with a person to provide up to three hours a week of company, emotional support and a small amount of practical support. We also accept referrals to provide respite for carers. This is a great role for someone who enjoys meeting new people and would like to be part of making a difference to the lives of people living with a terminal illness and their loved ones. Please see below for examples of what our volunteers can do:

• Companionship- meeting for a chat or to take part in hobbies together. This can be in the person you are supporting's home or in another location depending on their circumstances.
• Emotional support- being a friendly listening ear to the person you are supporting, giving them space to share their feelings.
• Short Carer Respite- for up to three hours a week, this can give carers time for shopping or other tasks or simply to relax.
• Practical Support- with small tasks like collecting a prescription or accessing the internet.
• Information Giving/Signposting- giving information about other services that the person you are supporting might benefit from.
• Bereavement Support- time limited to three months and on a case by case basis.

Experience required

An open mind and a sense of humour will be important- we offer non judgemental support to adults of all backgrounds, temperaments and beliefs. Volunteers will need to be reliable and committed to the role and willing to comply with our training requirements.

Training details



Minimum age: 18
An open mind and a sense of humour will be important- we offer non judgemental support to adults of all backgrounds, temperaments and beliefs. Volunteers will need to be reliable and committed to the role and willing to comply with our training requirement

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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