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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Community Companion- Orkney Islands

Marie Curie are delighted to be launching our Companion at Home service across the Orkney Islands in the summer of 2024. Could you spare around 3 hours a week to help someone in your community?

Our Companion at Home service provides vital support to adults living with a terminal illness in the community across the islands. We know that little things can make a world of difference; whether it's sharing a cup of coffee and a chat or some help with small practical matters like picking up shopping or accessing the internet, and our volunteers are there to support people to spend time doing the things that matter most to them.

We're looking for volunteers from all backgrounds who enjoy meeting new people and socialising. You will be matched with a person in the community to provide one on one support for up to three hours a week. This will mostly be in the person you are supporting's home, but could also take place in sheltered accommodation or a care home depending on the person's circumstances. You will be providing companionship and a friendly face to people in your community who are most at risk of social isolation, and helping us to make sure everyone who is affected by a terminal illness receives the support that matters to them and reflects their needs.

Experience required

We're looking for volunteers from all backgrounds who have great social and conversational skills and enjoy meeting new people. Maturity, self awareness and a sense of humour will be important. We will need you to be reliable, and able to work on your own although you will be supported by our Companion team. Empathy and the ability to deal sensitively with others and their needs will be vital.

Travel details

Takes place across the Orkney Islands. When matching you with someone we will take into account your ability to travel.

Travel expenses

We pay reasonable out of pocket expenses including travel expenses. These will be paid monthly by bank transfer.

Training details

Full training is provided for this role, this includes training from our nursing team on the islands who will be able to share their invaluable knowledge and experience with you.


Minimum age: 18
This opportunity is open to anyone over the age of 18, but is subject to a PVG check through Disclosure Scotland.

Frequency & commitment
This role will be for up to 3 hours a week, and we ask that ideally you are able to commit to volunteering for one year.

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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