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Muscular Dystrophy UK
- VO99908
We are looking to build Fundraising Groups across the UK, these groups will consist of 3-8 people who will help us extend our reach by fundraising, attending talks and presentations, creating local networks, building awareness of the charity and understanding how we can help people living with a muscle wasting condition all within their community. The role of the FG Co-ordinator is to work with the Regional Development team to help us get this project off the ground, you will often have catch ups with the team on a one-to-one basis and support with admin tasks to help us gather and collate information needed to ask people to join a group. Along with other staff and volunteers you'll be a core part of the local MDUK community, meeting new people and making a difference to those living with a muscle wasting condition.
Travel expenses
Volunteers can claim back pre-agreed reasonable expenses per the MDUK expenses policy.
Training details
Volunteer induction and GDPR training if necessary
Volunteers (aged 12-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
Find out more
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Fundraising Group Coordinator with Muscular Dystrophy UK
Jodie Whitham, Muscular Dystrophy UK
A copy will be sent to the organisation that supports volunteering in Aberdeenshire:
Thank you for registering your interest in Fundraising Group Coordinator with Muscular Dystrophy UK.
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Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO99908.