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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Shetland Cat Rescue Volunteer

Volunteering details

A wide range of opportunities are available and include:
Fosterers – a spare room to care for a cat until a new home is found. All equipment and food etc provided.
Home checkers – visiting prospective new cat owners.
Fostering support and co ordination – helping fosterers and organising cat food distribution, equipment etc
Equipment inventory – keeping an up to date list of all equipment and its location.
Helpline – taking phone calls from the public.
Food store coordinator – making sure fosterers have sufficient food of an appropriate type and caring for supplies.
Kitten socialising – assisting fosterers to socialise young kittens to meeting different people and get used to them.
TNR Trap, Neuter and Return – trapping feral cats, taking them to the vets to be neutered and then releasing them back to site. Involves learning about the colony and getting them used to being fed in a trap; arranging neutering with the vets; keeping the cats safe until fully recovered and able to rejoin the colony; arranging for kittens young enough to be socialised to be fostered.
Transport – cats to vets etc; goods and equipment to where needed.
Collecting and sorting donated goods.
Storing donated goods, equipment and cat food.
Fundraiser – to organise fundraising events.
On line auctions – organise online auctions of donated goods.
Stall helpers – assisting on stalls.
Crafts – making crafts to sell.
Grant applications – find and apply for appropriate grants and funding.
Sunday tea staff – assisting at Sunday teas.
Trustee – joining the trustees.
DIY – DIY skills to help maintain pens and equipment

Experience required

Lots of varied skills required. No experience or qualifications required. Cat lovers, fundraisers, social media, DIY skills, craft makers, marketing, providing storage, organising events, Sunday Teas helpers, running stalls, Trap Neutor and Return, online auctions, etc.

Travel details

Any where around Shetland


17 May 2024


Can be arranged.


Minimum age: 14
Under 14s if accompanied by an adult.

Volunteers (aged 14-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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