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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Non-Executive Directors

ASV- Aberdeen Sports Village are on the search for two Non-Executive Directors to join their Board to ensure continuity and stability in governance. These positions have become available due to existing members stepping down after completing their full terms.

As a Non-Executive Director, you will work with other Board Members to govern and provide stability to the affairs of Aberdeen Sports Village and ensure that it is led in accordance with its values and beliefs.

-Role responsibilities include:
• Collaborate with fellow Board Members and staff to manage and control the Company effectively.
• Ensure accountability to stakeholders and compliance with legal and funding requirements.
• Act as a guardian of ASV’s strategy and values.
• Provide strategic direction, approve policies, goals, and targets, and evaluate performance.
• Safeguard the organisation’s reputation and ensure efficient administration and financial stability.
• Oversee the appointment and performance of the Chief Executive and senior management team.
• Promote equality, diversity, and the organisation’s commitment to the community.

We are particularly interested in individuals with backgrounds in Legal, IT/digital marketing and media, Finance, and Project management skills. However, we do believe that passion and dedication are just as crucial as professional expertise. If you hail from a different background but are enthusiastic about Aberdeen Sports Village and believe you can contribute to its mission and development, we encourage you to get in touch.

In addition to your professional skills and experiences, we seek individuals with integrity, sound judgment, and the ability to offer constructive challenges. Your talent for building relationships, navigating conflicts with finesse, and communicating effectively will be pivotal for collaborative decision-making. Continuous learning is valued, as are problem-solving skills and a proactive approach to managing risks. Effective listening and advocacy skills are essential, as is a good sense of humour and a genuine love for sports and physical activity.

Board members are required to attend and participate in-person over four meetings per year (usually 3 hours in the morning). Interim Board meetings (usually virtual and lasting approximately 1 hour) will be scheduled but are subject to removal if no pressing matters need to be discussed.

A fantastic opportunity to help and make a real difference.

For more information please contact Rebecca Robertson, Administrator at email: or telephone: 07498605064.

Travel details

Aberdeen/ Hybrid

Board members attend and participate in-person over four meetings per year (usually 3 hours in the morning). Interim Board meetings (usually virtual and lasting approximately 1 hour) will be scheduled but are subject to removal if no pressing matters need to be discussed.

Training details

Excellent support and relevant guidance is provided to all volunteers.


Minimum age: 18

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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