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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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RNIB Information Stall Volunteers

Information Stall Volunteer Opportunity

RNIB Scotland Community Connection team host various information stalls in libraries and community centres across the country to help us reach people in our communities who are affected by sight loss, and promote the various support services which RNIB offer.

In Aberdeen, we host our information stall on the last Monday of every month in the Aberdeen Central Library.

The role of a volunteer at the information stall is to engage with any of the passing members of public as they visit the stall, talk about RNIB services, local organisations, and any other relevant information you are able to provide to someone who is seeking support for themselves or someone they know about sight loss.

The commitment for this role is approximately 6-8 hours per month, which includes 4 hours that you will be present at the stall in the library. Remaining time will be used to broaden your understanding of services within RNIB and the local community, advertise the information stall, and engage with partner organisations.

Volunteers will be trained to know about the various RNIB Services available and how people can access them. RNIB information booklets, tablecloth, and various RNIB branded merchandise to give to the public will be provided/

Duties include:
• Set up and tidying of RNIB Information Stall
• Engage with visitors to the stall in a friendly and professional manor
• Advise visitors about appropriate services both internal to RNIB and local to their community
• Learn about support services available to people with sight loss in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire and engage with partner organisations where relevant
• Log information to a database or to the volunteer manager.

A fantastic, enjoyable opportunity to help make a real difference. All volunteers are greatly appreciated.

To get involved/for more information please contact Neil Atkinson, RNIB Community Connection Coordinator at email: or telephone: 07858687528.

Travel details

At Aberdeen Central Library (Rosemount Viaduct, Aberdeen AB25 1GW).

Travel expenses are provided by RNIB, please ask volunteer manager for more details.

Travel expenses

Any travel expenses can be provided regularly, usually within one week of submitting.

Training details

Relevant guidance and support is provided to all volunteers. An essential induction training pack is sent to the volunteer when they start their role. This contains three workbooks covering Safeguarding, RNIB and Policies. We also offer training on public speaking, sighted guiding and visual impairments, and access to online training courses to increase your knowledge in a variety of areas.

All training can be requested in a preferred format.


Minimum age: 18

Frequency & commitment
We host our information stall on the last Monday of every month in the Aberdeen Central Library. Flexible times available. All help is greatly appreciated.

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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