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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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CHAS Fundraising Events Support Team

As a member of CHASfest, the CHAS Fundraising Events Support Team, you can help us out in lots of ways - you just pick the events that suit you and your diary.

You can volunteer as often as you like and choose to do the things you like, or to try something completely new. Whether that's cheering on runners and walkers at events like the Edinburgh Marathon or one of the Kiltwalks, taking on a short shift at a community stall to raise awareness, shaking a bucket at a public collection or even helping out at a pop-up shop, we’re sure you’ll find something to suit you.
You just choose your event from the opportunities listed in your regular CHASfest email and sign up online to choose your shift. And you can even bring a friend.

How much time should I offer?
Flexibility is what CHASfest is all about - now and again, as and when - it's entirely up to you. You might prefer to help out at one big annual event or you might like to look for something once a month. We don't mind at all. What's important is that you choose to give your time in a way, and at a time, that suits you.
We welcome existing volunteers and staff from across CHAS to join CHASfest too. It's a great way to meet other volunteers and staff from other parts of the charity and find out more about their teams, and what they do to make a difference to the lives of the families we support.

Where is the opportunity based?
We have opportunities all over Scotland but predominantly in the central belt, Glasgow and Edinburgh.
You can still get involved if you live further afield and can't make it to some events: we are always looking for volunteers to help us raise awareness of the needs of the families we support. CHASfest volunteers can also help us with quick online activities like signing petitions, liking and sharing social media content or emailing MSPs.

What support and guidance will I receive?
Every event will be led by a member of staff or an experienced senior volunteer and you will receive a full briefing by email beforehand so that you know where you need to be and when, exactly what you'll be doing, who your contact is on the day and how to reach them. We'll provide you with a CHAS branded top before your first event which will be yours to keep and all the kit you need for each event will be supplied when you get there - buckets, banners, etc.

What are the benefits to me?

  • Being part of a team of CHAS staff and volunteers raising awareness and funds - in lots of different ways - to provide unwavering care to the families of children with a life-shortening condition

  • Meeting new people 

  • Having fun!

What are the benefits to the children and families supported by CHAS?
We support families in each of our hospices and in local communities too. Our busy Community Fundraising Team couldn't do the amazing work they do to raise the money to fund these services without the incredible support of volunteers just like you.

What else should I know?
The role is for those age 18+.We will pay your out-of-pocket expenses in line with the CHAS volunteer expenses policy.
CHAS is committed to providing a quality volunteering experience to all volunteers free from discrimination and prejudice. Ensuring that CHAS is an equal, diverse, and inclusive organisation will improve the quality of care we provide, will help us reach more families and children and allows us to maximise a wide variety of knowledge, experience and expertise.

We welcome volunteer applications from those who are refugees, asylum seekers, benefit claimants and those with a disability. We can provide more information on volunteering eligibility and any adjustments we can put in place to ensure your volunteering experience is a positive one.

What’s the next step?
If you’re interested in the role you can  apply online or if you have any questions please contact the Volunteering Team at or 01577 866065. 


Minimum age: 18

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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