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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Rachel House Complementary Therapist

Complementary therapists offer specialist therapy to parents as a method of relaxation during their stay in the hospice. On occasions therapists may be asked to work with affected children or siblings if they have the appropriate qualifications.

What activities will I be involved in?

  • Providing therapy to parents for relaxation during their stay in the hospice

  • Providing therapy to children if requested by the Care Team and parents

  • At times providing therapy to staff and volunteers on request

  • Keeping detailed, confidential records of treatment

  • Managing or access to sensitive and confidential medical and personal information regarding the children and families accessing our services

  • Complying with the CHAS Complementary Therapies Policy

  • Complying with Health and Safety regulations governing the use of equipment and oils

What are the benefits to me?

  • Using your skills for a great cause

  • Getting more involved and making a real difference to the families of children with a life-shortening condition

  • Adding to your cv

  • Meeting new people

  • Having fun!What are the benefits to the children and families supported by CHAS?
    Families supported by CHAS are often under a lot of strain. Complementary therapy treatments can help to relax parents, enabling them to have a break and some valuable time to themselves, away from the pressures of caring for a child with a life-shortening condition.

What else should I know?
This role is for those aged 18+ and all therapists must be registered with a recognised professional body which has codes of conduct, ethics and discipline in place. We will need to see proof of qualifications and relevant CPD when you come in and meet us for an informal interview. This role requires membership of the PVG scheme (children only). There is a simple form to complete and we will assist you with this. You may already have a PVG form – if so you will only need to complete an update form. The process won’t cost you anything and having a criminal record will not automatically exclude you from volunteering. We will assess each applicant on an individual basis.
We will pay your out of pocket expenses in line with the CHAS volunteer expenses policy. CHAS is committed to providing a quality volunteering experience to all volunteers free from discrimination and prejudice. Ensuring that CHAS is an equal, diverse, and inclusive organisation will improve the quality of care we provide, help us reach more families and children, and maximise a wide variety of knowledge, experience and expertise. We welcome volunteer applications from those who are refugees, asylum seekers, benefit claimants and those with a disability. 

What's the next step?
If you would like additional information about the role please call 01577 866065 or email If you’re interested in the role you can apply online

Experience required

  • Excellent people skills

  • Experienced therapist with recognised qualification (all therapists must have successfully undergone training which is recognised by one of the voluntary regulatory bodies)

  • An ability to represent CHAS enthusiastically and appropriately

  • An ability to relate to people of all ages

  • Good communication skills

  • Adhere to rules around GDPR and a strong understanding of confidentiality

  • Shared values with the organisation

Training details

It’s important to us that you feel happy, safe and confident in your role. As a CHAS volunteer you will be invited to complete a short core learning package that is tailored to your role prior to your first day. Additionally, once you have started volunteering, we will also let you know about upcoming training dates that will be relevant to your role. Further Child Protection training (either online or face to face, approximately 3 hours in length) is mandatory for this role, to be completed within the first year of volunteering with us. There will also be opportunities to attend additional training such as Fire Evacuation (if you are based within a hospice).
Your Volunteer Manager will provide ongoing support and guidance to you in your role. We have also partnered with the Skills Network to offer all our volunteers the chance to develop new skills and explore further learning opportunities.


Minimum age: 18

Frequency & commitment
You can volunteer on any day of the week, for a few hours, in the morning, afternoon or evening. This can be discussed and agreed with your Supervisor and the Hospice Volunteering Development Manager.

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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