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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Youth Group Main Leader (Glasgow Phoenix Group)

At the RSPB we are passionate about young people and about nature. Our youth groups have the potential to play a really important role in local communities, offering young people regular opportunities to get to know the wild places close to them and to be supported by enthusiastic adult volunteers. Our youth groups are fun and sociable, keeping young people engaged and interested whilst enabling them to discover and learn new things that will ultimately empower them to help save nature.

We are looking for an enthusiastic individual to be an inspiring leader, working alongside a team of assistant and junior leaders to run activities that encourage young people to explore and develop a passion for nature. The Phoenix Youth Groups are for young people aged 13-18.

As a Youth Group Main Leader you will be:

Designing, planning and delivering a programme of monthly outdoor activities and meetings that give young people opportunities to connect with and take and for nature through site visits, practical conservation tasks and outdoor learning.   
Coordinating and leading a team of assistant and junior leaders to help run the group, agreeing roles for each team members to ensure meetings are planned and delivered safely and successfully.
Ensuring your groups is promoted within the local community and on social media to raise awareness and grow group membership
Ensuring all meetings are risk assessed and Safeguarding and first aid standards are met including attending relevant training.
Liaising with site owners at meeting venues and ensuring the group has access to equipment and resources as necessary.
Responsibility for ensuring records of attendance are kept that adhere to GDPR regulations, and ensuring the group’s finances are managed responsibly.
Regularly inviting feedback from leaders and group members to evaluate the success of group meetings and implementing improvements as required.
Communicating with parents, members of your group and other youth group leaders.
Working with your Country Youth Group Contact to ensure the smooth running of the group.

This role offers an exciting opportunity to make use of your skills and experiences, as well as your passion for nature, whilst ensuring the Youth Group flourishes. You will also be able to meet the RSPB's aim to put young people at the heart of our mission to save nature. You will help to connect them to nature and create the leaders of the future. Not only this, but you will have opportunity to further develop your own skills and experiences, for example, leadership, teamwork and organisation skills. You will also have access to the RSPB suite of training packages to support your personal development and we will be available to support you along the way. You will be part of the wider RSPB youth group network and will have the opportunity to meet with and link up with youth group volunteers across the UK as well as support from local contacts such as a reserve, local adult group or regional youth group volunteer.

Experience required


Experience of working with young people, creating and leading exciting activities based on the natural world.
Excellent communication skills with people of all ages including young people, other volunteers and parents.
Ability to lead, motivate and organise people and work as a team to share tasks and responsibilities.
Be self-motivated and able to show initiative.
A willingness to learn and to undertake training as needed for the role.
Ability to be an excellent representative of the RSPB within the local community.
You will also need access to the internet and have an email address for communication.

Training details

An induction and relevant training will be provided and will be able to offer you ongoing support to further develop the skills you need for this role.


Minimum age: 18

Frequency & commitment
Leaders usually spend two to five hours per month outside of meetings on the role depending on how the responsibilities are shared within the group leaders and what activities are planned

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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