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Hi, I'm Marie, a volunteer teacher/trainer with Fertility Care Scotland, and I've been volunteering for 24 years. After learning the Billings Ovulation Method many years ago and meeting the lovely Dr John & Dr Evelyn Billings who had devoted their lives to spreading this good news around the world, I knew this was wonderful knowledge to be shared and has given my life real purpose. Volunteering and the on-going training has enabled me to learn so much about reproductive health and pass this on to women and couples. I work with a brilliant team of teachers who have always encouraged and given me confidence. We come together for training sessions and I'm always learning!
We are part of a worldwide family of affiliated teachers (WOOMB) and meeting up with them has been a highlight of my teaching experience. We are all the same, but different...and can learn so much from each other! I would highly recommend anyone interested in volunteering, learning and helping women's reproductive health to get in touch and be part of our team!