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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

Niamh MacKenzie


I started my social action journey in 2022 with RespectMe’s Youth Action Group alongside many amazing young people! I had no experience in social action and had no idea of what was ahead of me, but I was determined to use the obstacles I had faced in the past to make a difference.

During my time with RespectMe, we worked on co-designing two amazing national anti-bullying campaigns for schools around Scotland, ensuring that children felt safe and supported within their community. We had the opportunity to speak with the Education Secretary at the Scottish parliament and present the campaign we had worked so hard on. I met some inspiring young people on the start of my journey who are now some of my closest friends! Although my journey has provided me with amazing opportunities, it has also allowed me to face numerous challenges. My confidence has grown, I faced my fear of public speaking and most importantly, I faced my fear of not feeling good enough.

In 2023, I was given the incredible opportunity to become an #iwill ambassador and work alongside some dedicated, determined young people. My time with the #iwill movement has been one of the best experiences of my life, getting to work on amazing projects, meet inspiring young people from all over the UK and travel to some amazing places that I never thought I would go to. I cannot thank the #iwill team enough for their support and dedication to making a difference in the world, working endlessly to give us ambassadors the opportunity to express our views. I co-hosted my first ever event during #iwill week, spoke at conferences about the work of the organisation and the passion for change, travelled to UK parliament to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the #iwill movement. My life has changed completely due to my social action journey and I will continue to be grateful everyday not only for these opportunities, but also for the continuous encouragement and support I have received.

My advice for anyone looking to start their journey would be to know that you can make a difference. You can use your voice to make an impact on someone else’s life. Social action does not have to be solving worldwide issues on a large scale, it can be being driven to make a difference in your community or to speak out for those who can’t.