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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

LINKnet Mentoring (Midlothian)

LINKnet Mentoring Ltd is a voluntary sector mentoring project established to help minority ethnic people living in Edinburgh and the Lothian. We aim to help people from Ethnic Minorities get into jobs, education and also with their Personal Development and integration into the society. LINKnet aims to increase representation of minority ethnic people in further and higher education, employment, public and civic life of Scottish society through a structured one to one mentoring programme which is free to join.

One of the main aim of LINKnet is to enhance the quality of life of individuals by improving their personal circumstances so that they are better able and better prepared to attain their goals in the areas of education, employment and personal development. The project also hopes to achieve a collective impact on the minority ethnic community as a whole in their struggle to be better represented in all spheres of life. LINKnet's long-term ambition is to see an equitable Scottish society in which everyone can plays their part and feels part of the wider Scottish community.

Current opportunities

Volunteers must be available to work one full day from our office in Edinburgh per week for about three to four months. They should have good IT and communication skills. Must be aiming to secure...

Volunteer mentors are required to help with employment, education, or personal development.You will work online for 2-3 hours per week with respective mentees, not exceeding 6 months. Mentor training...

This opportunity is part of (No More Tears No More Isolation) Project, Where Linknet Mentoring targets to help adult people from ethnic minority, immigrants, and refugees to overcome isolation...