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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

Camphill School Aberdeen

*Our Mission:To create a community where children and adults feel a sense of belonging, support and personal growth. A place where there is an inclusive, lifelong learning culture with an integrated approach to health, education and care.

*Our Vision:To be recognised as a centre of excellence where children and adults can live, learn and work in an integrated community based on mutual respect and the unfolding of individual potential.

*Our Ethos:We are committed to treating everyone with respect and dignity to enable them to discover their potential. We use a social pedagogical approach which is informed by the understanding of a spiritual dimension in each individual and integrates education, care, crafts and therapy to create a holistic response to the needs of individuals.

We strengthen our community through social integration in the celebration of personal achievements and cultural life. We are committed to caring for the land and strive to use the environment in the most sustainable way to support and enhance a healthy lifestyle.

We seek to further develop a living and working community based on equality of rights and opportunities, collaboration, freedom and empowering, respectful relationships. We have an active engagement with the wider society, facilitating a mutually beneficial flow of information and learning.

We are a community in which people can feel safe and nurtured and in which we all work towards a future where people with additional support needs are fully included and respected in society.

Current opportunities

As a Voluntary Farm and Gardens Volunteer you will become part of a team within our farm and gardens, set in beautiful surroundings 5miles outside of Aberdeen city centre and close to the Deeside...

As a Voluntary Co-worker you will become part of a team within one of our 10 residential Care homes, set in beautiful surroundings 5 miles outside of Aberdeen City centre and close to the Deeside...

As a Voluntary Workshop Assistant you will become part of a team within our farm and gardens, set in beautiful surroundings 5miles outside of Aberdeen city centre and close to the Deeside Railway line...

Camphill School Aberdeen has exciting new volunteer opportunities to help. As a volunteer you will become part of a team within one of our 10 residential Care homes, set in beautiful surroundings...