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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

Mid-Lin Day Care ltd

Charity registered in Scotland SC034269

Our main aim is to assist in alleviating social isolation and loneliness and offer a supportive environment and work to offer a wide range of social activities and events - all designed to encourage adults and older people to lead happy, independent lives. This can impact on people’s lives by improving confidence, by encouraging interaction and contributing to the making and sustaining of friendships. A nutritious three course meal which is cooked on the premises also assists in meeting the dietary needs of service users who attend.

The Day Service also supports carers to enable them to take a break from the caring role in knowing that there loved one is being supported.

Current opportunities

As a Director/Charity Trustee at Mid Lin Day Care, you will join other Directors with varying skills, knowledge & expertise. The Board provides strategic leadership and governance for the charity...

Mid Lin Day Care are looking to recruit a volunteer Company Secretary. The Company Secretary will be the person whose job it is to pull together the: Agenda for the board Deal with all email and...

Mid Lin Day Care are recruiting volunteer Kitchen Assistants. Volunteers will be given the opportunity to assist the cook with general kitchen duties, some food preparation, the serving of meals...

Mid Lin Day Care have opportunities for domestic assistants. Each person will be responsible for the general cleanliness of communal areas to include toilets, corridors, reception and one small and...

Mid Lin Day Care would like to recruit volunteer Mini Bus Drivers. Our drivers are expected to complete the daily bus checklist form. Ensure bus has enough fuel for journey/phone is charged and has...

Mid Lin Day Care are recruiting volunteer Escorts for their Mini Bus service. Morning volunteer escorts should attend at morning team meetings. Afternoon volunteers to liase with the volunteer team...

Mid Lin Day Care are recruiting volunteer Social Care Assistants. On arrival at our centre, Social Care Assistants can assist with tidying the centre, help prepare daily activities and read...