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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ


Boomerang was set up in 1999 to provide a safe, comfortable and friendly centre in the heart of the community to stimulate community involvement and development with an aim to community regeneration. The project provides a user led centre assisting a variety of groups with varying interests to increase confidence, promote skills and strengthen individual identity and responsibilities.

Current opportunities

We are looking for volunteers to help at our various youth provisions. We have a youth art group that runs every Friday evening and we also have children and families cooking classes. The volunteer...

We are looking for volunteers who can help at our busy reception area with tasks such as answering the phone, welcoming people to the centre and signing them in. Other tasks may include photocopying...

Boomerang would like the help of volunteer dish washers. We are looking for volunteers to give us a hand in our kitchen after our daily Lunch Club. The role would involve washing, drying, and...

A kitchen worker is required to assist staff in preparing meals for our older people’s lunch club and snacks for the toddler groups. The centre cooks all food on a daily basis on site and this...

Befriending can offer a supportive and comforting presence in the lives of those who are affected by loneliness and social isolation. Befriending can help you get involved in your local community. The...

We are looking for volunteers to help with stocking shelves and stock rotation, helping with the deliveries, collecting donations from supermarkets, helping those accessing the larder, collecting...

We are looking for volunteers to help at our "freecycle" area. This has clothes and shoes that people can select for free. The volunteer would help keep the area tidy and help people choose items...

The volunteer role will involve helping to set up for the Cosy Café opening, serving those attending their tea and toast, chatting to them and signposting elsewhere if needed as well as helping to...

The volunteer will maintain the grounds at the centre with weeding, planting and harvesting veg in the planters, watering plants and other general garden maintenance. Our lead Garden Volunteer will...