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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

Citymoves Dance Agency

Charity registered in Scotland SC045499

Citymoves Dance Agency is the regional dance agency for North East Scotland, part of Aberdeen City Council Education, Culture & Sport and is a Creative Scotland Foundation Organisation.

Citymoves Dance Agency nurtures and supports the work of emerging and established dance artists, groups, tutors, creators and companies, and takes a lead role in dance development in the city and the North East. At its studio in Aberdeen City Centre, citymoves houses a variety of dance classes, workshops and performance groups as well as serving to raise the profile of dance and providing an information and meeting point for dancers and choreographers.

Citymoves offers a wide variety of community classes in our studio and in various venues across Aberdeen City Centre and works in partnership with schools and community groups to deliver a range of dance projects and activities.

Citymoves is committed to creating performance opportunities and producing and promoting new dance work, including producing the annual DanceLive Festival of new contemporary dance.

Citymoves Dance Agency is a member of Dance UK and the Foundation for Community Dance.

Current opportunity

Citymoves Dance Agency SCIO is a regional dance charity based in Aberdeen, in the North East of Scotland. Our charitable purpose is to lead positive impacts through dance. The organisation was...