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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

MS Society

Charity registered in Scotland SC041990

Our vision: A world free from the devastating effects of Multiple Sclerosis.Our mission: To enable veryone affected by MS to live life to their full potential and secure the care and support they need, until we ultimately find a cure. We rely on fundraising and the efforts of our volunteers and staff to achieve our aims: - To fund and promote the best possible research into MS cause, cure and care. - To be the recognised source of consistent, high quality support and information to all people affected by MS, throughout the UK. - To raise standards of MS care by working in partnership with professionals, promoting equitable access to high quality services based on the needs of the individual. - To be the authoritative voice on MS and to promote the independence, dignity and self-determination of people affected by MS. - To work with people affected by MS to help them to retain control of their lives and to be fully involved in everything we do.

Current opportunities

Across the UK, our 270 local groups play a vital part in supporting people affected by MS. They provide sense of belonging, unity and friendship. And they deliver services and support for their local...

Across the UK, our 270 local groups play a vital part in supporting people affected by MS. They provide sense of belonging, unity and friendship. And they deliver services and support for their local...

Finance Volunteer We’re the MS Society – a community of people living with MS, scientists, campaigners, listeners, organisers, ambassadors and fundraisers. Our volunteers are a key part of...

Across the UK, our 270 local groups play a vital part in supporting people affected by MS. They provide sense of belonging, unity and friendship. And they deliver services and support for their local...

We have 250 local groups which play a vital part in supporting people affected by MS across the UK. They provide sense of belonging, unity and friendship. And they deliver services and support for...

Are you a good listener? More than 130,000 people live with multiple sclerosis (MS) in the UK. Every one of them shares the uncertainty of life with MS. People are most likely to find out they...

Transport Volunteer We’re the MS Society – a community of people living with MS, scientists, campaigners, listeners, organisers, ambassadors and fundraisers. Our volunteers are a key part of...

Across the UK, our 270 local groups play a vital part in supporting people affected by MS. They provide sense of belonging, unity and friendship. And they deliver services and support for their local...

Across the UK, our 270 local groups play a vital part in supporting people affected by MS. They provide sense of belonging, unity and friendship. And they deliver services and support for their local...

Across the UK, our 270 local groups play a vital part in supporting people affected by MS. They provide sense of belonging, unity and friendship. And they deliver services and support for their local...