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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

Marie Curie (Fife)

Charity registered in Scotland SC038731

Every day of your life matters, from the first to the last. Marie Curie believe everyone living with a terminal illness should be able to get the most from the time they have left, however hard that may sometimes feel. They will be here for you and your family when you may feel like no-one else is, to help you cope when you don't know how.

Marie Curie Nurses care for you in your home, when you need them most, day or night. Our hospices are at the heart of communities around the UK. And our trained volunteers and advisers are here for you with practical information and support when you do not know what to do next or just need to talk. They will be by your side with care and support every step of the way, bringing light in the darkest hours.

Current opportunities

Could you place Marie Curie collections tins and boxes in your local neighbourhood? Collection Box Coordinators help to raise money and awareness for Marie Curie by placing and emptying collection...

Marie Curie are looking for volunteers to become members of their local fundraising groups across the UK. Their groups are dedicated to raising funds so that Marie Curie can continue to care for...

Support our busy fundraising teams by delivering fundraising materials in your local community. This may also involve picking up money from supporters and helping to bank the money All tasks can be...

Are you a people person, good listener, enjoy a good chat and would like to be there for someone living with a terminal illness? We would like to hear from you. We provide companionship, practical...