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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

Mearnskirk Helping Hands

Charity registered in Scotland SC046646

Mearns Kirk Helping Hands is based in Newton Mearns and we aim to improve health and wellbeing and reduce isolation and loneliness in our community. We do this by providing a range of groups and activities throughout the week including Tai Chi, Blether & Brew Coffee Afternoon, Friendship Club and a Men's Breakfast Club. We also have a befriending project for people aged 65+ who are feeling lonely or isolated and would like the companionship of a volunteer befriender. We are volunteer led and cannot provide any of the services we do, without our amazing volunteer team. We are community helping itself.

Current opportunities

Volunteer befrienders (18+) will be matched with a person in the East Renfrewshire area aged 65+ who are looking for company or support to become more connected to their community. The befriender will...

One of the biggest barriers people face in attending our groups and activities is the ability to get to us. There is limited public transport to where we are located and sometimes people coming along...

Do you enjoy getting out and about and chatting to different people along the way? If so, the role of Promotions Volunteer is perfect for you! We're looking for someone who is a great communicator...

Mearns Kirk Helping Hands was established in 2016, running a variety of groups and activities to improve health and wellbeing and reduce social isolation and loneliness in the local community. Since...