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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Outdoor Area Volunteers

Welcome to Compass; a project navigating healthy, sustainable living!

*About the project:
In September 2020, medical charity, Camphill Wellbeing Trust, took on the former Waldorf school site at Craigton Road to transform it into a centre demonstrating practical solutions for healthy, sustainable lifestyles.

The mixed natural environment of Compass with its woodland and garden areas offers a wide range of opportunities including fruit, vegetable & flower growing, working in & enjoying the outdoors and observing & encouraging wildlife, including beekeeping. We use organic methods onsite and reuse/recycle as much as possible.

Compass has 4 buildings onsite which we are sustainably refurbishing with the support of various funding bodies. This also gives opportunities for those with suitable skills to help with the project.

*We need your help at Compass!
Compass offers a wide range of volunteering activities to suit a all sorts of interests and skills. Activities are generally outdoors so will vary according to the weather and the season.

*Volunteer support can often be related to:
• Gardening: preparing ground, planting, potting up, watering, weeding, harvesting
•Woodland care and monitoring: counting trees, pruning, collecting fallen branches, chipping wood, stacking logs
• Painting: sheds, fencing, plant/tree markers and signage
• Constructing: raised beds, compost bins, green pathways
• Equipment maintenance: cleaning and storing handheld tools
• Refurbishment: helping strip out buildings prior to refurbishment.

We hope in the future to offer further indoor activities: for example, upcycling furniture, candle making, food processing.

During your first session, one of our Compass team will go over Compass Health & Safety, explain more about the project and share the current tasks we need support with.

To find out more, get in touch for a Volunteer Pack:

Compass is a project of Aberdeen medical charity Camphill Wellbeing Trust (CWT). Find out more about the project, visit or for the charity:

Travel details

Compass is situated at the former Aberdeen Waldorf School site (AB15 9QD) on Craigton Road in Cults. It’s a 15-minute walk from bus stops in Cults along public roads and paths.

Training details

Excellent support and relevant training is provided to all volunteers. During your first session, one of our Compass team will go over Compass Health & Safety, explain more about the project and share the current tasks we need support with.

Taster available

Volunteers (aged 12-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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