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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Walk Leader Volunteers

Everyone has the right to live life to the full. After a diagnosis of a chest or heart condition, stroke, or Long Covid, many people experience fear and isolation, and struggle with the impact on their lives. The care and support we deliver every day ensures everyone can live the life they want to. Across Scotland, we provide vital advice, information, and support through our No Life Half Lived strategy.

The walking project at CHSS aims to increase access to walking as part of the prevention of chest, heart or stroke conditions. As a walk leader you enable walks in your community. You will lead regular group health walks in the community alongside other Walk Leader Volunteers, these accessible walks are open to the public to attend and last no more than an hour.

A fantastic opportunity to help and make a real difference for people and the community. All volunteers are greatly appreciated.

For further information please contact Jacq Kent, Walking for Health Coordinator at email: or telephone: 07388378605.

Travel expenses

Volunteers are entitled to claim all out of pocket expenses, as agreed in advance with their Volunteer Line Manager. Volunteers are reimbursed on a fortnightly basis.

Training details

Excellent support and training is provided to all volunteers. CHSS will provide a training package to support you in your role which may include:
• Walk Leader Training
• Various self-led e-Learning modules
• Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries
• Emergency First Aid at Work
• Ongoing support from Volunteer Line Manager


Minimum age: 18

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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