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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Mentor for young adult with Cystic Fibrosis (South Lanarkshire)

Our mentors offer crucial support to young adults with Cystic Fibrosis in improving socialisation, broadening horizons and exploring concerns to improve self-esteem, enhance coping skills and the person's quality of life.

Young adults living with this condition have a demanding daily treatment regime at home and sometimes experience limitations that can affect their confidence and ability to cope with the challenges of everyday living. They may also be socially isolated because of their condition.

A mentor will meet with a young adult regularly (every 2-3 weeks) to build a trusting one-to-one relationship allowing the person to explore their feelings, discuss their aspirations and grow life skills, to support them in achieving goals or just giving them someone to talk to.

This opportunity also gives the mentor the chance to expand their own experience and enhance their life skills.

The young adult will live within a reasonable distance of the mentor, who may sometimes take them in their car to an activity or environment away from home.

A commitment of at least a year is sought - this will allow the young adult time, space and a suitable environment to explore their feelings, discuss their fears, develop life skills and grow in the areas where they may be struggling.
A good mentor will have excellent listening skills, patience, reliability and an adaptable attitude. Understanding of the need for confidentiality and adhering to Trust policies.

Experience required

Befriending / Mentoring, Good Listener,Patient,Reliable / Dependable,

Travel details

The opportunity takes at multiple location across South Lanarkshire

Travel expenses

Travelling costs, postage/stationery, refreshments and cost of activities/materials when appropriate. Claimed monthly, with receipts, submitted on special Trust form. Payment usually by BACS.


13 February - 9 August 2024

Training details

Induction training is one day covering the condition, the mentoring process and procedures, interpersonal skills, Trust procedures. One team day per year for ongoing training. Support from mentoring co-ordinator member of Trust’s staff.


Minimum age: 18
No Gender Restriction, Must have held a full driving licence for 2 years and access to smoke-free car._

Frequency & commitment
N/a Commitment 1 Year 3 Hours, Weekly