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NHS Tayside - Ninewells Hospital
- VO90413
Would you enjoy promoting good ethical research by joining an NHS Research Ethics Committee (REC)?
NHS RECs protect research participants and facilitate ethical research by reviewing research applications for approval. They make up the UK-wide ethics review system regulated by the Health Research Authority (HRA).
We currently have exciting opportunities for more members to join our NHS Research Ethics Committees (RECs) and contribute to our work. Committees are made up of volunteer members who give their time to make a difference. Their work is varied but includes some of the biggest challenges we face in health and social care today, from cancer to dementia, and more recently COVID-19.
REC members are a mixture of experts (registered healthcare professionals, clinical trial statisticians, data and population sciences and other experts in research) and lay members with an interest in health research ethics. Despite having different roles and experiences all members have a shared goal; to ensure research is ethical and fair.
Being a REC member offers more than just the chance to shape and improve health and social care research. We provide regular training and support our members’ development, both professionally and personally. REC members develop their knowledge and are kept up to date on the latest developments in research and ethics. Our clinical members also earn Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points for their work with us.
Our Committee meet virtually, via Teams. Our members join from the clinic, the office or home. We offer role sharing that you can join with a colleague and share the workload.
As a REC member you will gain:
understanding of research ethics
understanding of relevant legislation
increased knowledge in research including methodology and statistics
specialised knowledge of specific types of research (e.g. clinical trials, paediatrics, medical devices, qualitative research etc.)
enhanced committee skills: summarising, debating, evaluating and decision-making
access to Health Research Authority and other expert-led training and development
opportunity to train for the role of a REC Officer i.e. Chair or Vice Chair.
Commitment & Workload:
attending full REC meetings virtually via Teams monthly (minimum 6 meetings per year)
full REC meetings last 3-4 hours and require five to six hours of reading in preparation
meetings are virtual currently; however, any travel costs for REC work will be reimbursed
taking part in sub-committee work with two hours reading for each sub-committee
reviewing research applications and amendments electronically through our members’ portal or email
induction training within your first six months of appointment,
equality, diversity and human rights training within your first year of appointment (can be done through your own employer)
a minimum of four hours training related to research ethics for each year as a REC member.
We require all prospective candidates to attend a REC meeting as an observer. This is the most effective way of understanding what REC Committees do.
Experience required
Your interests
Protecting patients and public
Health research
Research ethics
Developments in healthcare
Working with a group of members from a variety of backgrounds.
Travel expenses
Meetings are virtual but travel expenses for in person training are provided.
Minimum age: 16
We are keen to receive applications from people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences who have an interest in health research and ethics. Prospective candidates need to be aware that REC work requires a commitment of time
Volunteers (aged 16-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
Find out more
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity NHS Research Ethics Committees with NHS Tayside - Ninewells Hospital
Your email address and phone number will only be used by the organisation/TSI you are contacting to discuss in more detail the opportunity you are enquiring about.
Julie Kelly, NHS Tayside - Ninewells Hospital
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