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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Events Volunteer - Orkney

Volunteering details

The role of a Clan EVENTS VOLUNTEER is essential in helping to generate the funds needed for us to provide our vital support services to people affected by a cancer diagnosis in your local community. You could be asked to get involved in a variety of activities, whether it’s manning a cheering point on one of our runs, walks or cycles, helping to welcome guests at our annual lunch or ball, or providing information at one of our open days.

Typical activities include:
• Helping to prepare for an event – this might involve preparing information and signage, setting up routes for runs/walks/cycles, sorting displays and activities, moving chairs and tables, putting up gazebos etc.
• Providing a warm and friendly welcome to all attendees of Clan events, answering any questions and encouraging people to get involved in the event/activity
• Assisting at larger scale events such as the Clan Ball or Clan Lunch – this might involve manning the car park, directing attendees to the right location, providing information, running stalls, assisting with activities, selling tickets or accepting donations
• Working together with other volunteers and Clan staff to ensure the best possible experience for our events attendees/participants and signposting where appropriate
• Helping to raise awareness of Clan services Role Commitments:
• Working on an ad-hoc basis at events for either a few hours, part of the day or a whole day as required (time commitment would be discussed in advance of an event) and on occasions be flexible and available to help at short notice.

In return for your help at our events, Clan will:
• Aim to ensure that volunteering with us is a fulfilling and worthwhile experience. You’ll have support from staff, with the opportunity to gain and develop skills and meet with other volunteers.
• Reimburse expenses you incur whilst volunteering in accordance with our Expenses Policy

Experience required

There are no prerequisites for this role in terms of professional qualifications and Clan will provide you with the relevant on-the-job training and support to assist you within your role. We value personal experience and would welcome applications from anyone without the preferred skills and experience but who is passionate about making a difference and supporting local people in their community.


14 February 2023

Training details

Comprehensive induction to Clan. Training appropriate for the activity. Ongoing role-relevant training and support as required.


Minimum age: 16

Frequency & commitment

Volunteers (aged 16-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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